Dubai Essentials Estandar Package
Preço por pessoa de 320 €

Dubai Essentials Estandar Package

320 €
Preço por pessoa
320 €
preço por pessoa


If you are looking for a short but intense stay, I suggest the Essential Dubai package as it includes, along with

transfers to and from Dubai Airport, the two most requested excursions by our clients: Dubai Contrasts Tour, which will allow you in one day to visit all the places that we consider essential of the city of Dubai, and Tour Abu Dhabi, a tour of the city of Dubai.

Abu Dhabi, a tour of the capital of the United Arab Emirates, including a guided visit of the Grand Mosque, both with a duration of Mosque, both with a duration of 8 hours and with a shared guide in English.


Dia 1: Dubai
Dia 2: Dubai
Dia 3: Dubai, Abu Dhabi, Dubai
Dia 4: Dubai
  • Traslado del Aeropuerto Internacional de Dubai (DXB) a tu hotel en Dubai.
  • Tour Dubai Contrastes duración 8 horas con guía en español y abra. Además, incluye recogida y regreso a tu hotel.
  • Tour Abu Dhabi duración 8 horas con guía en español. Además, incluye recogida y regreso a tu hotel.
  • Traslado desde tú hotel al Aeropuerto Internacional de Dubai (DXB).
  • Servicio de Asistencia telefónica en español en Dubai +971 56 3497 110 / +971 56 2960 251 (disponible WhatsApp en ambos).

  • Incluye todo lo relacionado en la opción básico.
  • Recepción con asistencia en español en el Aeropuerto de Dubai (DXB).
  • Almuerzos durante los tours Dubai Contrastes y Abu Dhabi.
  • Visado turista.
  • Billetes de vuelo.
  • Todo lo que no este especificado en las opciones Básico o Premium correspondiente al Paquete Dubai Esencial Estándar.

Possíveis acomodações

1 acomodações

General terms and conditions


CANCELLATION: If cancelled at least 30 calendar days prior to arrival, no cancellation fee will apply, if cancelled between 10 and 30 calendar days prior to arrival, a 25% cancellation fee will apply, if cancelled between 3 and 10 calendar days prior to arrival, a 40% cancellation fee will apply, if cancelled between 48 and 72 hours prior to arrival, a 40% cancellation fee will apply. If cancelled 48 to 72 hours prior to departure, a 50% cancellation fee will apply. If cancelled within 48 hours prior to departure or no-show, a 100% cancellation fee will apply. Not applicable on visas, tickets such as Ferrari World, Burj Al Arab or At The Top Burj Khalifa. These rates are non-refundable and non-exchangeable and non-refundable.

MINIMUM NUMBER OF PARTICIPANTS ON GUIDED TOURS: In the event of not reaching the minimum number of participants (2) on shared tours with English speaking guide, we will contact you to offer possible alternatives. In the event of not accepting any of the alternatives, the amount paid will be refunded.

TOUR COMMENCED: No refunds will be offered once the tour or service has commenced, or in relation to any package, accommodation, food or other services used.

TRAVEL REQUIREMENTS: It is the responsibility of the client to be aware of the travel requirements that are necessary to enter the United Arab Emirates, or to travel between the emirates that make up the country. If you have any doubts, we recommend that you ask us, as these may be different depending on the nationality of the passport you are using. In the event of not being able to carry out any of the contracted activities, due to not fulfilling the travel requirements, this cause does not exempt the application of the general conditions indicated above, in relation to change of date and/or cancellation. 

(*) All general conditions shown below refer to full bookings. For a modification or partial cancellation of a booking (number of activities or name and/or number of persons) it is necessary to make a cancellation of the entire booking (cancellation conditions must be applied) and make a new booking. For the purpose of a cancellation of a complete order with one or more bookings, the date of the first booking and/or activity will be taken into account.

*(For more information and to book ground services in the Emirates, please contact or telephone +971 56 3497110).

Una Idea de Viaje o Presupuesto, NO ES UNA RESERVA, por lo que si estás interesado/a, por favor reserva ya.

Todos nuestros precios son Dinámicos (y en tiempo real), están sujetos a diversos factores, entre ellos la oferta/demanda y en cualquier momento pueden sufrir alteraciones.

Guardar una Idea/Presupuesto tiene como objetivo poderla compartir con quien tú quieras, diseñar varias opciones y posteriormente elegir la que más te guste, pero cuando vayas a recuperarla, el sistema la volverá a recotizar con los precios y disponibilidades de ese momento. Si alguna opción de las que has elegido, se ha agotado ya, te ofreceremos alternativas.

Posteriormente siempre puedes añadir a cualquier reserva, Actividades, Excursiones, Traslados, Coche de Alquiler, más Alojamientos, no tienes límites con nuestra plataforma, es por ello que si por ejemplo tu idea principal te gusta y quieres garantizarte el precio, lo mejor es que reserves ya y posteriormente añadas otros servicios cuando lo consideres necesario.